Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ron Paul Speaks In Ontario

This weekend I had the privilege to take my family to hear Dr Ron Paul speak at the Republican Convention in Ontario, Ca. It was my impression by the responses and Q&A that many in the room had never heard the man. But the continuous ovations throughout the speech (which covered a grand range of topics) showed a healthy support for him and his ideas. There was a dissenter or two in the room (how dare a republican oppose the war) and he did a good job of fielding the questions. But the overall response to him was resounding approval.

Earlier in this blog a commenter stated that Ron Paul's age, appearance and voice would pose a negative effect on his campaign. Well sir, his campaign and his following seemed incredibly strong and growing (the people we met there were eager and active in spreading the news of Ron Paul and his candidacy). He stood firm on the ideas of a constitutionaly limited government. He reinforced his belief in an economic market based upon competition and a gold/silver standard. He renounced our empirical policing of the world since WW2. He upheld personal responsibility in education. He voiced his support in the pursuit of Al Quaida (he even suggested a hired army might be better suited than our own military) but continued his opposition to our invasion of Iraq (since Congress still hasn't declared war). He supported guns in cockpits to defend our citizens. And he received ovations throughout.

I would say that anyone who thinks Ron Paul can't win because he's old, or has a "raspy" voice hasn't seen Ron Paul. It's true that he has an uphill battle ahead of him. The media continues to ignore him (yet they continue to follow Fred Thompson, who as of yet isn't running). His political adversaries disregard him. The Republican Party tries to keep him hidden. Yet with no help from media or his party, his campaign is growing strongly.

That's why we are here. We must be his media. We must push him into the forums of the public until all Americans have seen him and heard him. "Ron Paul won't be able to finance his campaign" is heard often. The assumption there is that he can't win as a grass roots candidate. That we can't build him up enough with the Internet, and word of mouth to outperform the multi-million dollar ad-campaigns. We must prove them wrong. And if what I saw this weekend is an indicator, our chances are more than fair.

Ron Paul doesn't need us to defend him, he does that quite well on his own. He only needs to have his voice heard. Than America can decide if he's worthy of our vote.


Soli Deo Gloria said...

I wish I could have been there!

ehud would said...

Anybody know Ron Paul's position on International Law? I know he wants us to pull out of the U.N. but what then is his alternative theory of international arbitration?

Steve said...

Dr. Paul's message of Liberty really resonated with the conservative crowd at the CRA Convention. I've seen some of speeches on YouTube, but it was much better to be there.

Blogger Allan Bartlett also covered Paul's speech:
CRA Roundup

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