Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Welcome to Ron Paulitics!

Hi and welcome to Ron Paulitics! In an effort to help campaign, this blog was created to promote Congressman Ron Paul’s bid for the presidency. We are but one of many grassroots upstarts that will endeavor to educate, discuss and debate as to why Ron Paul is suited to be the next president of the United States.

Topics will vary, including libertarianism, the free market, and the Constitution, all being the foundation of Ron Paul’s political views. And as Christians, we will also provide commentary on these subjects from a Christian point of view.

Everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, is welcome to participate. All we ask is to respect one another and put forth sound arguments. I am sure we will have some vigorous debate, but the aim for such discussions is to gain understanding, not to demean a person’s character.

It is our hope that this blog will give you a better insight into Ron Paul and his views, and that you will see that he is the best candidate for the presidency!


lizzybee said...

I have followed Honorable Ron Paul's service to our nation for many years. I so admire his stand, for our Constitution, he has taken almost alone. The Constitution, the law of our land, has been circumvented, twisted, ignored and forgotten by so many.

It is with such great pleasure that I stumbled onto this blogsite. Thank you for being here and thank you for any and all efforts you are able to put forth on behalf of Congressman Paul for his run for the Presidency.

I pray that his time and ours has come for his leadership.

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Welcome, Lizzybee!

lizzybee said...

There are people in communities meeting up to help elect Congressman Paul. It will be gratifying to work with like-minded people who love America and want to help restore our Republic.

Come join. We have a country to save.


lizzybee said...

What's going on with you people and your support of Ron Paul? Here I come back this much later and nothing new.

Do you know that our best and really only chance is "grass roots?"

There are signs to make, rally's, street fairs, literature tables, mail-outs, and lots of work to inform others of what may be the last chance for a return to Constitutional government, for a return to our Republic.

This man who for just about all of his life has served America from his stint in our nations military, to his support for the Constitution, never, never voting against it. He has worked almost alone in Congress to educate the American people through his work on behalf of what the founders of America gave us. He has stood upon their sholders day after day. And now he needs our help like never before. By helping him we are helping ourselves and our children. We need to restore and to teach our American Heritage to them by example.

Talk is great but hey, we need some elbow grease.